Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna (WAT)

The Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna (WAT) is a public and military polytechnic university under supervision of MoD and Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The WAT, established in 1951, is the largest military university in Poland and the most important provider of scientific and research support for Polish Armed Forces. The highly skilled research staff combined with many newly developed and well-equipped research facilities, an appropriate education environment and modern accommodation facilities have earned the WAT highly distinguished credentials both at home and abroad. The main emphasis at the WAT is put on applied research, what results in wide co-operation with Polish and international companies leading to developing products and technologies that are often commercialized.

The Institute of Optoelectronics (IOE) is an interdisciplinary academic institute at WAT, which mission is to support research and education in optoelectronics and photonic technologies. IOE’s activities include education, research and development, implementation, system integration, testing, validation and calibration. IOE research activities fall into many areas including: defence, security, critical infrastructure protection, environmental protection, metrology, medicine and many others. The strength of the IOE lays in its interdisciplinary teams. Among IOE scientist there are specialists in areas such as physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, biology, medicine etc. Interdisciplinary team of the IOE allows to carry out both basic and applied research in many fields at very high level. IOE has established very good collaboration with most of the Polish military research institutes and many military units, various civilian research institutions, Polish First Responders and most importantly, many Polish companies with whom IOE commercializes developed technologies. IOE has also established collaboration with many international partners by active participation in NATO, EDA and EU programmes.

Website: www.ioe.wat.edu.pl

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