Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd. (MIKSEI)

Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd. (Miksei) supports local and regional companies in creating jobs and innovations, increasing sales and exports, and developing new lines of business.

Miksei supports local and regional companies every step of the way, from start-up to growth and internationalisation.
Typical development issues involve business models, financing, and sales and exports.

Business training is also an important part of our services – Miksei has a network of experts in most aspects of business.

Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd. is a leading partner in about 25 projects and programmes. Most of these are local development programmes, but Miksei is also a partner in international projects with European, Russian and Chinese organisations.

Mikkeli is a home to CBRNE Finland, a group of companies representing Finnish CBRNE expertise. Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd. manages several national-level CBRNE related projects and also participates in EU-level safety and security programmes.

Besides of environmental safety Miksei is focusing on bioenergy, digitalisation, wellbeing and healthcare and tourism.

Website: http://mikseimikkeli.fi/en

Created by 2inspired
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