XXth International CBRN Symposium

Date: 7-8 November 2017
Location: Swindon, UK
Information: https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/events/symposia/sym-cbrn
The two major military campaigns of this century have given rise to an exponential increase in security challenges; abroad on military operations and at home within the security domain. Undoubtedly the kinetic effects of Improvised Explosive Devices are writ large within the minds of both our adversaries and those who seek to counter them, while CBRN weapon and improvised CBR devices remain a principal concern, as more recent events in Iraq and Syria and the dark web challenge the perception that such incidents remain a distant probability. Current tensions and conflicts, their detritus and remnants, international terrorism and the mutation of communicable diseases continue to trigger a maelstrom of defence, security and humanitarian concerns. This year’s CBRN conference will address the overall concept of counter-threat including improvised CBR devices, shared situational awareness and the protection and enabling of those specialists and generalists who are themselves under threat.
During the symposium counter threat solutions and methodologies, as they affect diverse disciplines both in the UK and globally, will be demonstrated and discussed. This will also see live demonstrations by the London Metropolitan Police, amongst other leading international agencies. There will be inter-related sessions addressing military operations, security incident first responders and disaster and humanitarian operations. Sessions will start with invited speakers who are specialist within their domains followed by papers offered from national and international practitioners, end-users, industry and academia.