PANDHUB final symposium: Transport hub preparedness and response to disease events

Date: 06 March 2018
Location: Brussels, Belgium
The PANDHUB consortium would like to invite you to take part in a one-day symposium to be held in Brussels on the 6th of March 2018. PANDHUB – Prevention and Management of High Threat Pathogen Incidents in Transport Hubs – is a European Union-funded project whose goal is to aid transport operators and relevant actors in transport hubs in the development of their current pandemic and dangerous pathogen preparedness and response plans. The project is intended to cover the extraordinary aspects specific to pathogen threats in the transport hub environment.
In order to balance the needs of both transport hub business continuity and health protection in the face of a serious public health threat in a transport hub, it is vital that hub operators and public health authorities together work together to develop operational preparedness and response plans.
You are invited to take part in this one-day event to review the tools developed by the PANDHUB project, exploring next steps and facilitating onward collaboration on planning across the community.
The day will include:
- Presentation of the PANDHUB preparedness tools on
- Threat assessment
- Scenario generation
- Contingency planning
- Review of the PANDHUB response and recovery guidance on:
- Protection of people
- Cross-border communication
- Electronic communication
- Disinfection and decontamination of infrastructure
- Demonstration of the PANDHUB information system for data collection and data management