NCT South America

Date: 13-14 Fenruary 2018
Location: Bogota, Colombia
The Non-Conventional Threat (NCT) South America 2018 will take place in the beating heart of Colombia from 13-14 February 2018. The two-day event will host the famous NCT conference, a vibrant exhibition and an exquisite networking reception. The event will take place at the luxury W Hotel in Bogota which is located in the exclusive Santa Barbara Business district.
NCT South America 2018 will provide outstanding opportunities to meet leading international experts, South American decision-makers and first responders in the field of CBRNe defense and response. The conference and exhibition will provide you with high-level speeches on regional CBRNe challenges and threats, approaches and state of the art equipment from CBRNe detection to decontamination and recovery, as well as regional capability building and procurement projects.