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Encircle in the fight against COVID-19

ENCIRCLE joins the European efforts in the fight against COVID-19 making public the research on Human Factors associated with PPE for Healthcare workers


ENCIRCLE project was invited, together with many other H2020 projects to collaborate in the fight against Coronavirus. As a CSA project focused on EU CBRN industry competitiveness we do not have any data for contributing to the European COVID-19 Data Platform.

Pandemics, like COVID-19 are comprised in the Biological part of CBRN, as stated in the CBRN Action Plan. The Coronavirus pandemic caused a reorganization of many activities, but especially in hospitals and EMS (Emergency Medical Service) where doctors, nurses and other staff were forced to operate in PPE that they rarely experienced before.

As part of ENCIRCLE Task 5.3 Human Factors we felt the need to support doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals investigating the Human Factors associated with the PPE used during this pandemic; we strongly believe that the COVID-19 pandemic might represent a trigger to open a discussion around human factors, ergonomics and usability of PPE.

Thanks to the invitation of the European Commission we decided to move this document from the ENCIRCLE portal, a private area of the website for subscribers, to ENCIRCLE website granting the access to this document to everybody who would like to work around PPE for Healthcare workers.

Pdf file: ENCIRCLE-Human Factors PPE Covid


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