NO-FEAR Demonstration Event November 2019

NO-FEAR is an EU funded 5 year project that works towards bringing together two networks: 1) a practitioners, decision and policy makers network, and 2) a suppliers and academia network, to enhance the response to security-related incidents.
The NO-FEAR consortium recently held its second event of the year, including the project’s first demonstration event and a joint workshop with the STAIR4SECURITY project. The demonstration event, held alongside the 10thannual Trauma Oggi conference, took place on 21-22 November 2019. The event, hosted by partner Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC), took place in Rome, Italy and brought together 64 participants from over 15 countries, including medical practitioners, tool providers, researchers and representatives from other H2020 projects.
Direct link to the NO-FEAR project is provided HERE.