International Explosives Safety Symposium & Exposition

Date: 06-10 August 2018
Location: San Diego, United States
Join NDIA and co-host, DoD Explosives Safety Board, as we unite to collaborate with leading explosive safety experts from military, government agencies, industry, and academia. This multi-faceted event hosts a networking environment with an exposition and an extraordinary educational platform with technical sessions, prospective tutorials and/or training workshop. Explosives safety communities should attend this forum for knowledge sharing, aligning best practices, and new approaches for the advancement and communication of the technical aspects of explosives throughout the munitions life cycle.
Topics and Issues crucial for the explosives safety community:
- Explosives Safety Policies/Practices
- Risk Analysis/Management
- Accident Prevention
- Operational risk assessments of munitions
- Hazard Classification
- Explosives Safety Siting
- Protective Construction
- Lightning Protection
- Insensitive Munitions
- Weapons disposal