20th International CBRN Symposium 2018

Date: 20-21 November 2018
Location: Farnborough, United Kingdom
Information: https://www.adsgroup.org.uk/events-list/cbrn-symposium-2018-2/
The 20th Annual International CBRN Symposium is taking place in the new Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre. This event brings together practitioners, end users, policy makers, and suppliers from UK and overseas to discuss the latest threats and developments in this sector.
Recent events in Syria, Salisbury and Malaysia have demonstrated the real threat to both defence and security organisations from CBRN agents. This year’s CBRN conference will address the overall concept of counter-threat including improvised CBR devices, shared situational awareness and the protection and enabling of those specialists and generalists who are themselves under threat.
During the symposium counter-threat solutions and methodologies will be demonstrated and discussed. Live demonstrations and inter-related sessions addressing military operations, security incident first responders and disaster and humanitarian operations. Companies, departments and establishments will display their equipment or advertise their capability.
Conference topics will include:
- Counter-threat
- Shared situational awareness
- Military operations
- Countering IEDs
- Humanitarian operations
- Protection
- Security incident first responder