We provide here a list of CBRN projects funded from national funding sources in EU countries.
Please contact us if you would like your project to be listed on ENCIRCLE website.
The Defense Research Programme FORTE
- ABC-MAUS – Modelling of the atmospheric dispersion of CBRN warfare agents and improved operational picture through sensor data evaluation
- DEKO-AirTRans – Flexible C-130 transport solution for airborne relocation of ABC-contaminated people
- E-sterile – Electrochemically self-sterilizing filter systems
- EuroThrax- Detection, bioforensics and genomics of Bacillus anthracis / high pathogenic B. cereus sensu lato
- ERIMAPS – Realtime risk maps for first responders at CBRNe incidents
- CBRN City Sensor Network – Increased protection for public spaces through early, automatic detection and identification of CBRN hazardous substances using sensor networks including information distribution and processing
- DIGEX – Simulation of the threat and damage potential of explosive devices at the urban level
- DURCHBLICK – Detection of varying improvised explosive devices by using smart analytic sensors
- Virtual Reality Training for CBRN-defense
- GASRESPONSE – Enhancement of the effectiveness of response measures at the release of toxic gases
- microSNIFF – Detection system for tracing hazardous and toxic volatile substances as personal protective equipment for task forces (first responder)
- Dnatox – the project consisted of three subprojects: (1) LC-MS of toxic compounds, (2) LC-MS of DNA, and (3) software development
- TULMON – Investigation on the natural occurence of Tularemia bacteria and their differentiation from the biological warfare agent
- NBC – Simulation- and information system to manage Rescue units at disaster. nuclear, biological, chemical
- RetoMod – Air transport modeling of accidental gas releases in urban areas
- BioWarDetect – Fluorescence based mobile biological warfare detection systems
- Disaster management within the health care system
- SABAT – Stoichiometry Analysis by Activation Techniques
- SFORA – Mobile laboratory for environment sampling and for identification of biological threats
- PROTEUS – Integrated mobile system for support of antiterrorist and emergency response activities.
- Mobile platform for support of forensic investigations at sites with possible CBRN threats
- Mobile analysis kit and elimination of contamination, supporting counterterrorist activities on CBRN-E event site
- Remote detection and identification of biological contamination with use of advanced optoelectronic methods
- Development of an innovative stationary system for detecting trace amounts of explosives.
- Portable Trace Detector of Trimeric Acetone Peroxide (TATP) and Hexamine Peroxide (HMTD)
- TechProSmog – Development of an innovative technology for the production of multifunctional products for the protection of the respiratory system against biological factors and chemical compounds contained in smog
- Identification of biological threats in rescue operations and the impact on the competence of the immune system in the perspective of adverse health consequences
- Diagnostic, prophylactic and improvement of epidemiological monitoring systems in field stationary conditions in cases of threat of biological weapons
- „Surveillance and Testing for pathogens etiological for respiratory infectious diseases including Influenza strains with pandemic potential: Domestic and Deployed Sentinel Network in Polish Armed Forces with epidemiological/laboratory capacity at the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology”– project US DoD – Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System
- „Nanobiodetector for spore forming bacteria” – Project DARPA nr N10PC20099 (2009-2011)
- CESAR – Concepts of employment of autonomous CBRN sampling collection devices
- PANDORA – Secondary dispersion assessment for unmanned aerial platform for CBRN detection