ENCIRCLE Dynamic Catalogue Webinar

Dear Practitioner, Dear Technology Provider!!!
Please, join the ENCIRCLE Dynamic Catalogue webinar which will be held on Thursday December 20th at 2pm (GMT).
You will get a chance to learn about the ENCIRCLE Dynamic Catalogue, which is an open and neutral platform associated with commercial and technical services. The Dynamic Catalogue provides a platform for industry and technological providers to showcase European CBRN capability as well as provide a knowledge source for practitioners and policy makers.
The joining instructions:
- In order to access the session please follow this link https://connect.unice.fr/encircle/
- You will be directed to an Adobe Connect page, please select the option for “Enter as Guest”, fill in your name and then press “Enter Room”. We suggest you try the link 10-25 minutes before the webinar is due to start to check there are no technical issues.